Level 3 classes: Ages 3-7yrs (4 week class)

Outside my Window!

Home Materials: A beautifully illustrated book, Pair of Rhythm Sticks instrument & Music access to our new Kindermusik App.

Cash: $95.00- 1st child. Sibling discount; $85.00

Venmo: $97.00 1st child. Sibling discount: $87.00


Our Venmo account accepts Apple Pay & Google Pay for be able to use your credit card.

Please pay in full cash or with our Venmo link provided above.

Home materials are required by Kindermusik International and are nonrefundable.

$10.00 discount off your tuition for enrolling more than one child (discount is applied toward the second child lower tuition)

  • One Grandparent, nanny and/or caregiver are welcome to attend class with your child!

  • No Classes: May 24-26 (Memorial weekend)

  • Once enrolled. You will receive our Kindermusik guidelines emailed to you by your child’s Kindermusik instructor. These guidelines will contain how to do a make-up class, our no sick policy, & much more. You must read these guidelines before starting your 1st Kindermusik class with us. This includes all previous & new families. If you child will be attending Kindermusik with a grandparent, nanny, or other family member. You must share our guidelines with them too. Thank you!

  • If you need to switch your child to another class it must be done 2 weeks prior to class.

  • Contact Giselle Graham with any questions or email Giselle Graham

  • Classes fill up quickly! 12 students per class inside CCM

  • You will receive a email notification within 24 hours of your child’s registration being summitted.

  • Please read all the information above before enrolling your child in any Kindermusik class. Thank you!