Level 4:Ages 5-7yrs (4 week class)
All Keyed up!:
Home Materials: Book, Pan Flute instrument, & downloaded music access from our Kindermusik App
Cash: 1st Child-$95.00. Sibling discount $85.00
Venmo: 1st child- $97.00. Sibling discount $87.00
Our Venmo account takes Apple Pay & Google Pay if you have your credit card attached to either.
Please pay in full with Cash or our Venmo account listed above for the 4 week spring session.
Home materials are required by Kindermusik International and are nonrefundable.
$10.00 discount off your tuition for enrolling more than one child (discount is applied toward the second child lower tuition)
Grandparents, nanny’s, and/ or caregiver are welcome to attend class with your child! 1 adult per student can attend with your child at this time.
No Classes: -May 24-26th (Memorial weekend)
We do have a no sick policy in place. Please stay home once enrolled if you/caregiver or your child is sick. Makeup days: We allow 1 makeup days per family due to a sickness or vacation per session. If we canceled a class, we will make up one canceled class during this current session. If a 2nd cancelation occurs. We allow families to add one more makeup day. Makeup days must be completed during this current session. Makeup days are not rolled over to another session. Any questions feel free to email Giselle directly.
If you need to switch your child to another class it must be done 2 weeks prior to class.
Any questions? Email Giselle with any questions or email Giselle Graham
Classes fill up quickly! 12 Students per class.
You will receive a email notification within 24 hours of your child’s registration being summitted.
Please read all information above before enrolling your child in Kindermusik. Thank you!