Kindermusik Musicians- Year One
Ages 5-7yrs

Year One— Playing simple musical patterns and songs on the featured instrument from the first session—the glockenspiel—is a central focus this semester. While learning to sing a melody, and then play the pattern on the glockenspiel, we’ll delve deeper into the understanding of musical concepts such as piano and forte through orchestra-style music such as the William Tell Overture and Peter and the Wolf. Music appreciation and understanding continues with a complete introduction to the instruments—and the families in which they’re grouped—of the orchestra. This class is designed to help our students prepare for private lesson after completing our Level 5 Kindermusik classes & graduating from our Kindermusik program. This curriculum is not repeated from the fall session.

New Student Home Materials: Fiddlesticks, Glockenspiel with mallets, Glockenspiel Book, Game Pieces Packs in a reusable Kindermusik Bag, & all the music download for year one of Kindermusik Musicians via our Kindermusik App.

Previous Students who already have glocakenspiel & bag : New assignments are added for this winter session that will be passed out though-out the 15 week session & access to KM album year one on our Kindermusik App.

Cash Price

$342.00 New Students (15 weeks) includes new glockenspiel, bag.

Payment plan- New student- $100.00 deposit & 4 payments of $60.50 a month (Jan.- April)

$290.00 Returning students who already have glockenspiel and bag.

Payment plan for returning students- $1oo.00 deposit & 4 payments of $47.50 a month (Jan.-April)

If you decide to use our Payment Plan: each month payment must be received by 1-10th of each month. A $5 late fee will be apply for any payments received after the 10th of each month. Thank you for your understanding


Please mail in a non refundable check for $100.00 for Year One Musicians class or pay in full to reserve your child spot.

  • The deposit you pay or send in is to cover your child's materials for this class. Materials will be opened by the instructors to prepare prior to class and can not be returned to Kindermusik. Once materials are opened and organized they are non- refundable

  • Physical home materials are required by Kindermusik International and are nonrefundable.

  • Tuition balance is due the first day of class. Monthly payments are an option after deposit has been paid.

  • 10% discount off your tuition for enrolling more than one child (discount is applied toward the second child lower tuition) Excludes Family Time class (sibling price already established) $10 off per friend referral. No extra discounts can be applied for any family time class. Discount is reflected in the price already!

  • One parent, grandparent, caregiver, or nanny is welcome to attend class with your child!

  • No Classes March 24-28 (Spring Break & Easter weekend) April 19 (Easter weekend)

  • If you need to switch your child to another class it must be done 2 weeks prior to class. No switching once classes begin! Switching classes with the same instructor may be possible as long as the class you need is not FULL!

  • Email Giselle with any questions at email Giselle Graham

  • Space is limited: 10 students per class inside CCM.

  • We do have a no sick policy in place. Please stay home once enrolled if you/caregiver or your child is sick. Makeup days: We allow 2 makeup days per family due to a sickness or vacation per session. If we canceled a class, we will make up one canceled class during this current session. If a 2nd cancelation occurs. We allow families to add one more makeup day. Makeup days must be completed during this current session. Makeup days are not rolled over to another session. Any questions feel free to email Giselle directly.

  • No shoes, food, drinks, toys/items from home are allowed in our classroom. Feel free to use our waiting area to have a snack before or after class if needed. Once class begins each week. Please make sure that everyone can hear the Kindermusik instructor at all times once class has begun. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • You will receive a email confirmation the same day or within 24 hours of your child’s enrollment.

  • No class March 22-28 & April 19 (spring break & Easter weekend)

  • Please read all information above before enrolling in any of our Kindermusik classes.